John Thomas Replay
March 11, 2021Please note: If the video is not showing on this page - wait a moment for it to appear OR hit refresh.
The Five Best Biotech Plays for the Coming Decade
- There are only two sectors you need to know for the 2020’s: tech and biotech
- The pandemic has prompted trillions of dollars to pour into the biotech and health care sectors creating vast economies of scale for all research fields
- Now that the pandemic is winding down that cash mountain is pouring into new research fields
- Profits at biotech companies are exploding
- Biotech will become one of the seminal investment themes of the coming decade
- All major human diseases will be cured in the next ten years, including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, and many others
- Share prices are still at the ground floor, with exponential gains ahead
- Incredible as it may seem, biotech & health care are still the cheapest sectors in the market